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Vegetable Garden

Why Choose Organic?

What's the significance of choosing organic food over conventional farming techniques?


Read about a most recent case about a man who claims that Roundup was a sure cause of his terminal illness.

Elderberries- A Powerhouse for Good Health

These tiny berries carry some serious immune boosting properties that will help your family stay well for the winter. 




Halloween at Preschool

4 Ways To Replace Candy On Halloween

 The average child will consume 3 cups of sugar on Halloween! Find out 4 WAYS to replace candy at Halloween this year and still make it a fun holiday for your kids!



Hand on Bump

My Partial Molar Pregnancy And The Hand of God

In this blog post I talk about my experience having a partial molar pregnancy and how I saw the hand of God in my life through these experiences. A loving Heavenly Father will give you strength through your trials.

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