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Homemade Mayo (no added preservatives or sugar)

Updated: Sep 19, 2018

A simple staple for all your mayo needs

After I made this mayonnaise once I immediately stopped buying the grocery store mayo, mostly because this tastes 10 times better and can be whipped up in 5 minutes. I love adding it to sandwiches, salads, wraps or anything that needs a little moisture or flavor. It's a great source of healthy fats and tastes amazing! You can't beat it. Enjoy the recipe.

RECIPE Homemade Mayo

Ready in 5 minutes

Makes: 1.5 cups


2 organic eggs

1 cup Avocado Oil

1.5-2 tbsp mustard

¼ tsp Real salt (more to taste)

¼ tsp pepper (more to taste)

Squeeze of lemon juice

*Use Organic Ingredients when feasible


Place all ingredients into a blender or bowl. Let sit for 5 minutes. Use a hand mixer or blender to mix all together. I think that a hand mixer does the best mixing for it, but a blender will work well also.

Once all ingredients are blended you can use immediately or store in the refrigerator for later use. It’s that easy!


*You can use a different oil than avocado, some other ones that are good are olive oil, or grapeseed oil.

* You can also used different mustard's, like dijon mustard or a stone ground mustard works well also.

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